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BBQ, Blues & Whiskey Wing Competition

The heat that Wonderland Chicken Co has been known for, combined with the superior flavors of Sakari Farms hot sauces, will seriously challenge even the toughest of spice heads.  Are you ready to play with the big kids? Time to bring on the heat!

The challenge is to be able to get through the intense heat and spice of the wings rather than the size and quantity. All contestants will start at a level 3 spice followed by level 5 and finally to level 7! Top 3 quickest finishers will advance to the final championship round. 

Contestants will be provided 3 wings for each spice level as well as a glass of beer and milk. Reaching for either beverage counts as tapping out and you lose the round.   Here’s the heat range that Wonderland Chicken Co does normally, so you see what your gettin’ into:

0-No Heat1-Mild (calm Jalapeno)
2-Medium (siracha level burn)
3-Hot (habanero heat level)
4-Fire (good head sweats)
5-Extreme (we don’t call it extreme to be cute)
6-Demon (do we need to put a warning in here?
7-Calm Like a Bomb (don’t do it)

Tickets Here!